Friday, July 29, 2016

                              More gun control

The cry for more gun control was expounded on by Nancy Pelosi this week begging for more gun control demanding we move into the 21st century and calling for us to be civilized.

My question for her is please show me where gun control has work at all, is she talking about Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, New York City, LA, Seattle and on and on?

In her rants she blames the NRA for controlling the GOP and influencing gun-control. Basically what she is saying is the NRA is for enforcing the Second Amendment and our freedoms however there are many more gun owners that do not belong to the NRA than there are NRA members and we all vote has she forgotten about us?
I defy Nancy Pelosi and all the rest of the anti-gun nuts to please show me where any gun control is worked but let's start with the Brady Law( which is called Insta check) even proponents of the Brady Law admit they really have not prevented any gun crimes.

Wonder why that would be? Will the answer is very simple the plane truthful answer is people committing gun crimes robberies murders and so on do not go through a background check before they get their guns. Only law-abiding people go through background checks, now that is not to say that some of people are careless and allow those guns that they purchased to fall in the hands that should not own them example to disturbed son or family member taking the firearms and committing a crime. Then again this is similar to last a disturbed family member or son or daughter taking your car and crashing into someone. Perhaps we should have automobile Insta check and see if people are mentally stable enough to have an automobile. We can also bring up swords knives hatchets bows and arrows spear even rocks all of been used as weapons perhaps we should have a background check before allowing a person to own anything that can be used as a weapon.

Know the real truth is gun-control and animal control is no answer to the violence committed by guns, oh wait! excuse me, guns do not commit violence it is the people using them that do. So that brings up a different question in a different problem what do we do about them? Fact is man has committed violence against another man in one form or another since he walked upright on this earth. The only man that was ever safe was a man that was armed knew how to use his weapon and was not afraid to use his weapon that kind of man was left alone by the criminal element as the criminal element preys on the weak and the unarmed.

Do not be fooled by the propaganda of the left do not be fooled by those wishing to disarm America do not be fooled by lies and twisted facts, keep your right to keep and bear arms and start to bear arms and let it be known that you are indeed armed and you will be safer than having 10 policemen around you.

I'm not maligning the police however by the very nature of their job please are reactive after the fact most of the time. Normally the way it works is dispatch sense of police to a burglary murder assault that has already happened.

So in closing I say use common sense don't be led astray and look at the facts.

Thank you